在千亿国际登录的奖学金是一个关键的资源,以确保获得一个梦幻般的, private college experience at a reasonable price.
Important Information!
以下列出的奖学金反映了2024年秋季进入KWU的学生的奖学金. 在此之前来到堪萨斯卫斯理的学生可能会获得不同级别的奖学金. 请联系KDub中心或您的招生顾问了解更多信息, 或者滚动到本页底部的链接到以前的奖学金细节.
Scholarships for Kansas Residents
Note that the following scholarships may not be combined, or “stacked”, with any other KWU scholarship or grant offer. 然而,学术矩阵和权力奖构成了每个奖学金的一部分.
Ad Astra Guarantee
This is a minimum guarantee of $60,000 in undergraduate scholarships over four years ($15,000 per year). KWU guarantees this amount, at minimum, to any graduate from a Kansas high school or home school, those who transfer from a college in Kansas or state resident.
Saline County Guarantee
This is a minimum guarantee of $70,000 in undergraduate scholarships over four years ($17,500 per year). KWU guarantees this amount, at minimum, 任何居住在盐湖县的高中/家庭学校的学生,并且是刚到大华大学的.
Central Kansas Guarantee
这是四年7万美元本科生奖学金的保证(每年1.75万美元)。. KWU guarantees this amount, at minimum, 任何高中或家庭学校的学生居住在以下县的地址:麦克弗森, Ottawa, Ellsworth, Lincoln, Dickinson, Marion, Reno, Cloud, Harvey or Sedgwick.
Legacy and UMC Member Scholarships
KWU welcomes students with a historical tie to the university, 无论是通过我们与联合卫理公会教会的长期合作,还是通过欢迎校友, 父母及祖父母曾就读本校(或与本校系领带者)者. Both of the below scholarships are valid for the cost of tuition only.
50% Legacy Scholarships
这项50%的学费奖学金提供给千亿国际登录的子女和孙辈, Marymount College or St. Mary of the Plains College alumni. Recipient must be a full-time, on-ground new undergraduate student. 此奖学金不得与任何其他大学奖学金或助学金合并.
50% United Methodist Scholarship
这项50%的学费奖学金提供给联合卫理公会教会的所有成员. 该奖学金机会适用于全日制本科新生. 此奖学金不得与任何其他大学奖学金或助学金合并.
General Scholarships
Over 98% of our full-time students receive financial aid. Our initial financial aid calculations are based on cumulative GPA and, in the case of transfer students, the number of hours transferring in. This is true for both domestic and international students.
Eisenhower Scholarship
$21,000 (off-campus $18,000)
High school seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.9
Transfer students with GPA of 3.9 in 24 or more transferring graded credit hours
Trustee Scholarship
$19,000 (off-campus $16,000)
High school seniors with cumulative GPA of 3.7
Transfer students with GPA of 3.7 in 24 or more transferring graded credit hours
Presidential Scholarship
$17,000 (off-campus $14,000)
High school seniors with cumulative GPA of 3.5
Transfer students with GPA of 3.5 in 24 or more transferring graded credit hours
Academic Excellence
$15,000 (off-campus $12,000)
High school seniors with cumulative GPA of 3.3
Transfer students with GPA of 3.3 in 24 or more transferring graded credit hours
Dean’s Scholarship
$13,000 (off-campus $10,000)
High school seniors with cumulative GPA of 3.0
Transfer students with GPA of 3.0 in 24 or more transferring graded credit hours
University Scholarship
$8,000 (off-campus $5,000)
High school seniors with cumulative GPA from 2.5-2.9; Transfer students with GPA of 2.5-2.9 or more in transferring graded credit hours
Promise Scholarship
$6,000 (off-campus $3,000)
High school seniors with cumulative GPA from 2.0-2.5; Transfer students with GPA of 2.0 in 24 or more transferring graded credit hours
Discretionary Scholarships
Offered through activities such as athletics, fine arts, or academics. Amounts vary and are determined by coaches or sponsors.
State Line Grant
Any high school or home school students from Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas and Oklahoma qualify for a $2,000 State Line Grant.
ACT Award
提交官方ACT分数为21分(或SAT总分为1080分)或更高的新生将获得1美元,000 scholarship.
Coyote Enrollment Day
Incoming students must attend a Coyote Enrollment Day. To recognize their attendance, they will receive a $1,000 scholarship.
Kansas Wesleyan University Award
Students who demonstrate financial need may qualify for this award. In addition, 这个奖项也可以颁发给那些在千亿国际登录兴趣或背景未被充分代表的申请人.
Kansas Advancement Scholarship – KS Community College Graduates
The Kansas Advancement Scholarship is a guarantee of at least $20,每年为堪萨斯州社区学院的毕业生提供1万美元的奖学金. 该协议支持2022年9月堪萨斯社区学院受托人协会和堪萨斯独立学院协会(KICA)之间的全球转学和课程衔接协议。.
This opportunity is valid only for students new to KWU.
Nursing Transfer Scholarship
我校为转学、非活动护理学生设立了一项特殊的、重要的奖学金! 23年春季至24年秋季(包括23年秋季和24年春季)的三年级班级, junior transfer students who qualify for admission and enter KWU with a 3.平均绩点在5分或以上的学生可以保证获得每年高达3万美元的机构资助! Have a 3.25 GPA and want a new place to learn? You are assured of $25,000! Have a 3.0 GPA? You are guaranteed $23,0000!
Please note that students are allowed to live off campus.
获奖者没有资格获得参加美术或校际体育的援助, and must meet admissions standards to both KWU and the Nursing program.
Stein Strings Scholarship
斯坦因弦乐奖学金保证弦乐演奏者——从盐沼县学校新来的——至少20美元,000 per year in institutional aid!
The scholarship honors the late Eric Stein, 她创立了萨利纳交响乐团,并长期担任玛丽蒙特学院的讲师.
Salina Regional Health Center Employee/Dependent Scholarship
KWU为长期支持者Salina地区健康中心(SRHC)的员工及其家属设立了奖学金. 任何有资格获得奖学金的人都保证每年至少获得20,000美元的奖学金援助*! Qualifying individuals must be an SRHC employee, 配偶或25岁以下仍住在雇员家中的受抚养人. Learn more by contacting Director of Admissions Claire Houk at [email protected].
Necessary Form for SRHC Scholarship
*=The SRHC scholarship is not a stand-alone scholarship, but rather, a guarantee by the university that all KWU scholarship aid, when combined together, will equal at least $20,000 per year.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Scholarship
千亿国际登录与基督教体育协会(FCA)合作提供奖学金。. 该协议允许FCA在千亿国际登录的实习生获得奖学金.
Recipients of the scholarship will be mentored and trained by FCA staff. 如果项目的期望得到满足,奖学金将保证四年. 该学生在KWU的前三年专注于帮助领导千亿国际登录校园的FCA, with the support of the FCA staff person. 学生将协助安排校园活动,并为我校学生运动员提供支持. The fourth year of the internship, 学生实习生将与当地一所高中合作,与高中运动员和教练一起工作.
该奖学金是部分奖学金,学生必须在每年4月15日之前完成申请流程. 已经被千亿国际登录录取并完成存款的学生将被优先考虑. Up to two students will be awarded each year.
To apply for the scholarship, students must
- 完成一篇文章(不超过两页),说明他们为什么想参加FCA和体育事工.
- Two letters of reference
申请材料可送交千亿国际登录FCA协调员Aaron Glendening(电邮 [email protected].
Please put “FCA Scholarship” in the subject line.
For more information on all scholarships, click here. 2023-24年度奖学金详情(适用于2023年秋季和2024年春季入学的学生) can be found here. For all scholarships, 住在校外的学生可获得的最高奖励是学费的65%,除非得到负责发展和大学运营的执行副校长的批准.
Please note that outside entities may offer scholarships, including those specific to Kansas Wesleyan. If you have questions or desire assistance regarding these, you may contact the Admissions office and we will assist you to the best of our ability.